Increase your leadership capacity to help others discover their full human potential, solve problems and flourish!

Welcome!  I’m Dr. Rich Hansen, the founder of the Leadership Coaching Network. 

After a 40-year career as a church pastor, missionary and theology professor at the Ethiopian Graduate School of Theology (EGST) in Addis Ababa, I now serve as a Leadership Coach and Consultant helping African Christian leaders, NGO’s, teams, and denominations gain deeper clarity about their challenges and opportunities, develop a God-given vision, and make significant progress toward achieving their goals. 

I invite you to join a network of leaders who are becoming agents of transformation in their communities through leadership coaching.

Unlock Your  Potential

Our vision

  • Who?  LEADERS passionate to expand their ability to help others grow and flourish.

  • What?  COACHING skills to become transforming agents in all arenas of life, personal and professional.  

  • How?   A NETWORK that sustains transformational change across people, organizations and society.


Meet Our Point Person–Alemtsehay Yemane

Alemstehay lives in Addis Ababa and is passionate in reaching out to next generation leaders in Ethiopia and beyond.  She is a graduate of our Coaching for Transformation course and is in the final stages of earning her ICF coaching credential. Alemtsehay has over 35 years of work experience in government and NGOs.  For many years she was the National Director for Youth for Christ Ethiopia (YFC-E) and now serves on the Board. She has degrees from AAU and EGST.

Alemtsehay helps coordinate the Leadership Coaching Network in Ethiopia, and is your “go to” resource person for all questions related to our Coaching for Transformation courses.  She also leads our team of LCN Ambassadors.

Email:      Phone:  +251911454990


OUR lcn ambassadors

Tsigereda Yemane

Tsigereda has been working with the Navigators since 1998 under different capacities.  From 2000 to 2011, she was a National Director of the Navigator ministry of Ethiopia. She has been involved in training and equipping the next generations of leaders and is a passionate about disciple making, coaching, and mentoring.

Dereje Mergia

Dereje is Manager of Program Training for Compassion Ethiopia, an elder in his local congregation, and serves in leadership roles in a number of board of organizations.  He is passionate about helping the whole person grow in every dimension of life, especially through coaching.

Martha Aynalem

Martha is a consultant who has worked with a variety of NGO’s, embassies,  educational and research institutes, and local and international businesses.  She has great passion for coaching and has seen how it can be a powerful tool bringing transformation to individuals and teams across various areas of life


We partner with our  graduates who created their own coaching consultancy that serves a number of organizations in Ethiopia.


 We partner with our graduate who founded this new NGO with the exciting mission of training Ethiopian students in critical thinking skills.



We train mentors to support Ethiopian missionaries from a variety of church backgrounds who serve in many nations all across Africa.


We partner with our  graduates who created the Youth Coaching Ministry in Ethiopia (YCME) to equip youth leaders to help young people flourish.


We offer team coaching and leadership development to this K-12 school offering the Cambridge curriculum in Addis Ababa.


“Really, we have no words to express our deep appreciation for your generous and unreserved support extended to us. Your rich experiences, professionalism, humble approach, simplicity and extra-mile efforts were some of the qualities we enjoyed in our stay.

We learnt a lot and you significantly influenced our coaching skill/practice with the  engagements we had with you. Surely, we are now different managers/leaders. Indeed, thank you so much and God bless you.”

Dr Fikre Lobago, Senior Manager, Compassion Ethiopia

The core purpose of EvaSUE is to advance the Kingdom of God by serving students. The conviction that I have for “advancing the Kingdom of God” is a call as a community. We all should nurture the humility of listening, and the desire of learning from one another. In addition, the “Kingdom Community” is a place where we all get support.  Instead of a prideful approach pretending as if we know everything, we should have the knowledge and the humility to ask the right kind of questions.

I found all the above “Kingdom Principles” throughout the Coaching for Transformation course that I had with Dr. Rich. My colleagues at EvaSUE and I have found this training to be transformational. Through our partnership with LCN, our goal is to have all our EvaSUE staff trained in empowering coaching skills and to develop a “coaching culture” throughout our organization.  I am especially grateful to Dr. Rich for his heart to empower and equip those leaders from the less privileged part of the world.

Robel C. Disasa, General Secretary, Evangelical Students and Graduates Union of Ethiopia (EvaSUE)



Meet Our Point Person–Tendai Kashangura

Tendai lives in Harare and is the Director of the Gilead Project, training entrepreneurs to start successful businesses and become economically self-sufficient.  He also serves as a respected Pastor in his denomination.

Tendai works under the umbrella of Hope Ventures, our international partner in developing empowering coaching programs to resource African entrepreneurs in Zimbabwe, Malawi, Mozambique and other African nations.

Contact Tendai for local information about our coaching training programs and our growing Leadership Coaching Network in Zimbabwe and neighboring nations.

Email:    Phone: +263 77 358 7962


Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo

We offer leadership development and coaching training for students, faculty and staff of the seminary and leaders of the Protestant Church in Egypt.


Coaching for Transformation Courses 

Individual Coaches Trained

Graduates Seeking an ICF Credential


Students Giving our Course 5 Stars

Cohorts Completed since May, 2020


Mindaye Yohannes

Consultant, Ethiopian Civil Service University
Co-founder, Ethiopian Coaching Network (ECN)

“Dr Rich’s coaching seminars and training brought a paradigm shift.
They are very powerful and enlightening.
Since I joined the first coaching seminar, I have never stopped learning and improving my skills and practices.

The intentional conversations and the training sessions transformed my conviction, discernment and practice of helping people grow.”



Yared Abera

Leadership and Team Coach
Desert Rose Consultancy PLC, EthicalCoach and Netib Consulting

“I found Dr. Rich Hansen and the Coaching for Transformation coaching program he designed to be inspirational, interactive, educational and well-developed to equip coaches. I have enjoyed the journey and am confident that I am equipped.

The courses are well aligned with ICF’s competencies. I am pleased that I had the privilege to be part of this particular coaching training.”




Dr. Seblewongel Asrat

Faculty Member, Evangelical Theological College (ETC)
Founder, Personal and Organizational Progress Training Center (POPTC)

“Our company’s vision is to help individuals and organizations grow and see our cities flourish. Dr. Rich’s presence with us is very timely. Since we started the training, it has been transformational.

Dr. Rich is a gift. We are grateful for his calling on equipping leaders in our context to make a difference.”

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