Heat, The Poor and Jesus

Heat, The Poor and Jesus

I write this in an air-conditioned room, supplemented with a fan aimed at me. It’s beastly hot. A sweltering heat wave has raised temperatures 10-20 degrees above normal.  My local heat index this past week regularly topped 110 degrees.  While I suffer minor...
The Black Hole at the Heart of Holy Week

The Black Hole at the Heart of Holy Week

Just as Holy Week began, astronomers gave us an amazing, seemingly impossible gift: a photograph of the invisible, seeing the unseeable! Because no single telescope is powerful enough to distinguish a detail as relatively small as a 55 million-light-year-distant black...
Meek ≠ Weak

Meek ≠ Weak

When I was about 8 years old, sometimes as I walked to school I’d meet a kid about my age who always picked a fight with me.  I have no idea why. He’d threaten me, call me names, even throw rocks at me to get me to come after him.  When I didn’t respond but just kept...
Please, Sir, May I Have Some More?

Please, Sir, May I Have Some More?

Most of us keep asking God for more.  This is OK, even expected, with God. The Lord encourages asking: “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and  to...
The Sad, Cautionary Tale of Bill Hybels

The Sad, Cautionary Tale of Bill Hybels

If we all get 15 minutes of fame, mine occurred with Bill Hybels.  Around 1985 I was part of a panel of four Chicago pastors on a “Meet the Press” roundtable style Christian TV show in Chicago.  I was invited, not because I was famous or even well-known, but because a...
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