Leadership Coaching

Take your next step.

What is a Leadership Coach?

Coaching Basics

As a personal coach, I will help you:

  • peel away layers of confusion,
  • see things with fresh eyes,
  • generate new options and
  • confidently choose a way forward.

Whatever the next step may be for you, I’ll help you bring CLARITY, ACTION and  PROGRESS into your life situation.

i can help you take your ‘next step’ 

  • Deeper perspective on your current opportunities and challenges. 
  • Helpful guidance as you change, grow and seek new discoveries in life.
  • Emotional support throughout difficult and critical transitions (job, career, family, interpersonal, retirement, bereavement) 
  • Empower you to apply your own intellectual, emotional and creative resources and find your own solutions.


    My Approach to Coaching

    After a 40-year career as a pastor, missionary, and theology professor, I coach leaders who are ready to take the next step, personally or professionally.

    I understand that in a world of competing priorities, it can be difficult to take time to focus on yourself. My one-on-one approach follows a 3-step process of finding clarity, taking action, and making progress. These steps are part of a curriculum where we will set clear goals and track results as we continue on the journey together.

    1. Find Clarity &                          Set the Course

    In an ever-changing and always-demanding world, you can start to feel like you are no longer in control. You realize you need to act in new ways but need clarity on where to begin. My coaching curriculum gives you back control and helps identify a starting point. Each conversation begins by discussing your needs for that given session, whether it means revisiting a previous conversation or starting out on a new goal altogether. I will help you break through the daily noise and focus on clear opportunities and the barriers that are getting in your way.

    2. Develop an Active Vision, Strategy, & Roadmap

    Navigating ambiguity is hard and no one should have to do it alone. You need a reliable sounding board who can help you put the necessary steps in place to help you move forward. When I meet with someone, I ask questions to prompt next steps and create an action plan that is designed just for them.

    3. Track Progress & Keep Moving Forward

    As with any new undertaking, it can be easy to give up or loose motivation. My coaching process of six intentional conversations helps clients stay on track and assess progress overtime. We celebrate the wins along the way, big or small, which helps keep you going and continue to take the next step.

    Why Work With Me?

    My goal is to help every person I work with find “the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet” (Frederick Buechner).

    As a pastor, cross-cultural professor and organizational leader, I am equipped to help you build on your strengths while identifying and overcoming areas that may become roadblocks to your success.  

    I am a certified coach with over 40 years of widely diverse experience leading others to explore and find their true callings in life.

    I had a fabulous executive coaching experience with Rich! Not only did he help me develop some very tangible and useful changes to improve my daily work flow and everyday functions, but he also helped me navigate some important career decisions. His listening ear and thoughtful approach to helping me think through areas of professional growth was both encouraging and productive. My time with Rich awakened my ambitions to grow professionally and I grateful for our time together.

    Lara Wilson

    Executive Director, Maryland Rural Health Association (MRHA)

    Real Life Examples

    My Coaching Stories
    It can be hard to know where to begin. Below, you will find examples of how I have helped people tackle real-world issues and delivered results.
    A Non-Profit executive wanted to expand his Organization's Reach
    Result: He developed an action plan that attracted new clients and expanded his organization’s reach into new service areas.
    An interim pastor wrestled with toxic staff dynamics
    Result: She created a step by step plan to address unresolved issues which culminated in a staff retreat and productive relationship-building.
    A busy professor struggled to meet his publishing deadlines
    Result: He freed up 10 hours a week devoted to writing and met his goal of publishing two academic articles annually.
    A missionary wondered how to Integrate Three different Passions into His Work
    Result: He launched a new organization that allowed him to incorporate all of his passions into his day to day work.

    “Rich helped me break through my self-imposed glass ceiling with his careful listening and cogent questions “

    As a result of Rich’s coaching, we have increased our client relationships and our capacity to serve those clients with new chaplains. For the first time in a great while, I am enjoying a season of working on our business and not just in it.


    CEO, Workforce Chaplaincy

    In the past few months I’ve made more consistent progress with my most important priorities than any previous time I can remember. I’m feeling encouraged!


    Lecturer, Justo Mwale University

    Rich asked the right questions and made keen observations. Ministry is often confusing, but I’m clearer than ever about my sense of call and about how I approach the work to which God has called me.


    Pastor, Lemoore Presbyterian Church

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